Monday, August 15, 2011

No Relation

She is neither related to any YUMA committee member by blood, marriage, and or permanent association, but she have costume I want!

I am simply furious!
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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Gutt-check time

So ladies, now that you have your GAME in mind, print it out, put a copy of said choice on the fridge, by the stove, bathroom, closet, even on your phone--(Everywhere)

Start a group of like-minded ladies and support each other with your workouts etc.

Weekly updates, eat right, get active.

Have fun! DO NOT STARVE yourself! You need to be healthy and alive to fully enjoy Yumavibes 2k12!
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My Choices!

thank you
IF only Carnival Mon and Tues were each 2 days long.....
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Game on...Gym membership will increase by 100%

...The Playing Field has been set, day and time, NOT tentative, but BOOKED solid!

The time has come to select which GAMER are you!

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Unable to make the launch and or see the live stream I relied on my good, trusty BBM fam to let me know what's up, and from the "gasps, wowed to the OMGs, and the resounding echoes of I want, I want, how do I get, combined with, "that is the f*cking bess" along with the pics they snapped and sent to me, YUMA, I can deduce that your presentation has blown ALL bandlaunches out the universe!!!

Kick ads!!
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